Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta was rushed to the emergency department of Shalby Hospitals Jabalpur in an unconscious and critical condition. He was immediately attended to by Shalby’s critical care specialists and general physicians including Dr. Neeraj Baderia, General Physician and Critical Care Specialists Dr. Shubha Singhai and Dr. Rahul Sahu. He was diagnosed with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.
This is a condition in which the brain does not receive enough oxygen or blood for a period of time. Guptaji had to be put on a ventilator immediately. With excellent treatment and care by Shalby Jabapur’s team of doctors, he is feeling well now and is ready to go hom
What Are Nutrients? Nutrients are substances found in food that our bodies need to operate properly. They give us energy, assist in tissue building and repair, and control various body systems. Macronutrients and micronutrients are two general divisions of nutrients. 1. Macronutrients:...
Regarding matters of the heart, ensuring you receive top-tier medical care is paramount. In Jabalpur, Shalby Hospital stands out as a beacon of excellence in cardiac care, earning its reputation as the Best Cardiac Hospital. From state-of-the-art facilities to a team of...
Surat, a bustling city known for its diamond and textile industries, is also home to one of the most advanced cardiac care facilities in India—Shalby Hospital. Renowned for its comprehensive heart care services and cutting-edge medical technology, Shalby Hospital has established itself...