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Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon Sinuplasty is a safe and minimally invasive procedure that opens sinus passages. Balloon Sinuplasty uses a small, flexible balloon catheter to open inflamed sinuses. The balloon catheter is placed into the nose to reach the inflamed sinuses, and gently inflated to restructure the previously blocked nasal passage.

Unlike conventional sinus surgery, Balloon Sinuplasty preserves the normal anatomy of the sinuses and mucosal tissue, and does not require the removal of bone and tissue.

After Balloon Sinuplasty, the sinuses remain open, allowing the return of normal sinus drainage and relief of sinus pressure.

The Facts About Chronic Sinusitis:

Sinusitis affects millions of people each year, making it a common health problem in India and around the world.

When you have acute or chronic sinusitis, the mucous membranes of your nose, sinuses and throat become inflamed, possibly from pre-existing cold or allergies. Swelling obstructs the sinus openings and prevents normal mucus drainage, causing mucus and pressure to build up.

Symptoms Include:

  • Headache
  • Being tired
  • Drainage of a thick, yellow or greenish discharge from the nose
  • Nasal obstruction or congestion
  • Tenderness and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose and forehead and/or a reduced sense of smell and taste

Chronic sinusitis often goes undiagnosed for a very long period and is therefore managed by increasingly high doses of decongestants and nasal and oral steroids.

Previously, the only surgical option for clearing blocked sinuses was known as endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS), which removes bone and tissue from the nose to enlarge the sinus opening. This removal of bone and tissue can require uncomfortable nasal packing after surgery and lead to post-surgery pain and scarring.

How does Balloon Sinuplasty work?

In Balloon Sinuplasty, inflamed sinuses are opened in the same way that doctors open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty.

Frontal Sinus Ballonplasty
Maxillary Sinus Ballonplasty

Advantages of Balloon Sinuplasty Devices:


  • Safe design (Eg. Atraumatic wire)
  • Zero adverse events in clinical studies
  • Less general anesthesia time and necessity


  • Patency: Extremely low patency & revision rates
  • CT Scan: Consistent improvement in Lund-MacKay CT scores
  • Symptoms: Significantly improved SNOT-20 sinus symptoms/QOL scores

Patient Friendly:

  • Less invasive
  • Less trauma
  • Less pain
  • Less recovery time
  • Less scarring
  • Less follow-up procedures

Contact Shalby Hospitals for Balloon Sinuplasty in India.

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