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InVitro Fertilization (IVF)

InVitro Fertilization (IVF)

The process of ‘In Vitro Fertilization’ (IVF) is popularly known as ‘test tube baby’. It is the process in which eggs from the lady and the sperms from the gentleman are put together and the egg is fertilized outside the body in special petridish under a very closely monitored and special environment.

In a normal woman one egg matures every month from either of the ovary. But in the IVF process, special medication for ovarian stimulation is given to the lady. As a result, many eggs mature from both the ovaries.

The growth and development of the eggs and the endometrial lining in the lady are monitored with help of transvaginal sonography and blood tests. Once the eggs reach a particular size, an injection for their final maturation is given. Few hours after that injection, the eggs are removed by a short surgical procedure under short general anesthesia.

The IVF specialist uses ultrasound imaging to remove the eggs. There are no incisions or stitches involved in this procedure.

After successful removal, the eggs are sent to the Embryology Lab for Insemination and Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection. After insemination, the eggs are kept in special petri dishes containing culture media, and stored in an incubator.

The inseminated eggs are periodically observed under the microscope to check for fertilization and cleavage (Cell Division) about 16-17 hours after insemination, the egg and sperm combinations develop into embryos. Embryo is the first stage of life. 2-3 days after ovum pick up, 2-3 of the best embryos are selected for Embryo transfer. They are loaded in a transfer catheter and put back inside the uterine cavity under ultra sound guidance.

Contact Shalby Hospital to get In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment in India.

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