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Shalby is the 1st Hospital in Ahmedabad to have Colposcopy facility. Colposcopy is a boon for early detection of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in females in India. Unfortunately, it is detected at a late stage when it is not curable. If cervical cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be surgically removed. The peculiarity of cervical cancer is that in early stage it does not cause any noticeable problem to the patients. The only effective way to detect cervical cancer is colposcopic examination by a trained gynaec-oncosurgeon.

Colposcope is an optical instrument which detects cervical cancer at a very early stage with high accuracy. It is a portable instrument with a light source and magnifying lenses to examine woman’s vagina and cervix for cancer and abnormal areas susceptible to cancer.

Contact Shalby Hospitals for Cervical Cancer Test & Treatment in India.

Colposcopy is a simple, 10 to 15 minute procedure that is painless and is performed in a gynecologist’s clinic. You are positioned on the examination table like you are for a pap-smear, and 5% acetic acid (such as common table vinegar) is placed on the cervix and the changes that appear in cervix are evaluated.

Shalby Hospitals combine colposcopy and pap-smear to detect cervical cancer in early stages. Shalby hospitals has installed the state of art Leisgang CML Colposcope which is a high definition unit.

One of the most frightening times in a woman’s life is when the gynecologist says that your cervix is not healthy looking or your pap-smear results are abnormal and you may have cervical cancer. Although you might think an abnormal pap-smear or an unhealthy cervix means that you have cervical cancer, the fact is that it may be because of infection or very early stage of cervical cancer which can be differentiated with the help of colposcopy.

Who needs colposcopy?

  • Unusual or suspicious looking cervix or a cervical polyp
  • Suspicious symptoms like post-coital bleeding
  • Inter-menstrual bleeding
  • Foul smelling vaginal discharge
  • Persistent vaginal discharge
  • Abnormal pap-smear: ASCUS/ LSIL /HSIL/AGUS/ASC-H
  • Abnormal result of: VIA /VILI /HPV screen
  • Any suspicion of cervical cancer
  • Vaginal or Vulval symptoms / lesions

Book your appointment for colposcopy test & treatment in India.

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