Diagnosis and treatment of various sleep-related disorders e.g OSA, OHS
Polysomnography (Performed more than 30)
Performing and interpreting Allergy testing
Skin Prick test(Performed more than 50)
A study of the relationship between Bronchial Asthma and Thyroid Disorders
International Journal of Scientific Research Volume: IX, Issue: VIII, August 2020 (Original Research Article)
Role of Induction of Sputum in Various Respiratory Diseases of Infective Etiology
J Assoc Physicians India. 2020 Mar;68(3):90. (Original Research Article)
Effectiveness of Triple Drug Fixed-Dose Combination Inhaled Therapy in Severe
COPD Patients National Journal of Medical Research
2018;8(1):21-24 (Original Research Article)
Research Work
A study of clinical profile of patients of Interstitial Lung disease at Tertiary Care
World Pneumonia Day 2023: Stop Pneumonia with Awareness
World Lung Day Special: Tips to keep your lungs healthy
Every Breath Matters – World Pneumonia Day
Dyspnea or Shortness of Breath
All you need to know about COPD
Understanding Sleep Disorders: Interview with Pulmonologist Dr. Nikita Rajguru