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World Diabetes Day: Tips for Diabetic patients to eat healthy while travelling
World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day: Tips for Diabetic patients to eat healthy while travelling

Diabetic patients always wonder if they can control their diet while travelling. And
most of them unknowingly indulge in foods that can spike up their blood sugar
levels. Sticking to your defined meal plan and taking your medications on time, is
the only key to keep diabetes in control. So, before planning a trip, one must
research about how feasible the location would be for a diabetic patient and the
options for food available.

As the World Diabetes Day 2017 is approaching, here are some tips from one of
the best diabetes doctor in India, for diabetic patients on how to plan your long
and short travels; and still stay healthy all the way through.

Travelling by Road

Planning a travel by car, be it long or short, is the most comfortable way of
managing your activities. You have full control of when you can start off, when to
stop, and what route to follow. Diabetic People can select the path that has best
food options and restaurants en route.

Tip 1: Research about which restaurant you can go to eat, wherever you are
heading to. And check if that restaurant has low sugar food options available.

Tip 2: It is advisable to bring your lunch packed from home.

Tip 3: Bring healthy snacks like popcorns (preferably not microwaved ones),
yogurt, wheat crackers, or dried nuts (not roasted); food that are low in salt and
sugar, that you can munch on.

Tip 4: You can purchase a book or install an app that gives complete information
about each food recipe, so that you can choose wisely from the options available.

Tip 5: Keep a small cooler in your car so that your food items and juices don’t get
spoiled in hot temperatures.

Travelling by Air

Though almost all the airlines do serve food onboard, you still need to check if
they do or not?

Tip 1: Check with the airline's meal service if the food would be served and the
food menu that would be available. Also, check if the snacks and beverages
served, can be consumed by diabetic patients.

Tip 2: You can bring along some food in your carry luggage. Though avoid bringing
any fluids due to safety protocols.

Tip 3: The option of purchasing from the airport is good but is generally limited.
However, you can still buy some stuff like a water bottle or low-calorie munchies.

Tip 4: If you have missed taking precautionary steps about food, no worries! Just
ask a flight attendant if they have options available for diabetic patients.

Tip 5: Last but not the least, do keep some home-made snacks in your handbag,
to curb the hunger if the flight gets delayed, or takes longer time to reach the

Traveling by Train

Tip 1: It is recommended to bring your own water bottle, lunch, snacks, and
dinner, packed from home if you are diabetic. Food on trains is risky, and usually
not compatible with diabetic patients.

Tip 2: Be cautious while using railway toilets as diabetic patients generally have to
urinate frequently. Better avoid train travel.

Diabetic traveler? What to eat while travelling and what not?

  • Avoid having anything that has high carbohydrate content. Check on the
    internet for the details on same.
  • Pack fruits, whole grain cereals, oats, granola, nuts in your luggage.
  • Hog on salads and grilled veggies on a long trip. Grilled chicken or turkey
    sandwich is a great option for non-vegetarians. You can customize your
    menu according to your requirements and condition.
  • For a short trip, bring a water bottle and some 100 calorie snacks along, for
    quick bites.
  • Avoid having chips, nachos, white bread while travelling.
  • Drink sugarfree beverages.
  • Avoid starchy foods like noodles, tortillas, pasta, and potatoes.

How to plan wisely?

  • Consult your regular doctor before travelling and then plan meals and
    medicines for the trip.
  • Diabetic travelers can also contact Travel Assistance Service Providers for
    any issues.
  • Keep your insulin injections properly packed and don’t forget to keep back
    up medications, incase insulin spoils due to varying temperatures.
  • Keep your medical ID along at all times for emergency aids.

World Diabetes Day is the biggest awareness campaign, started in 1991 by IDF
and WHO. It is a major drive in response to the ever increasing number of
diabetes cases worldwide. Every year the campaign focuses on factors that
increase the risk of diabetes and the best care for diabetic patients. It also brings
diabetes in public and political limelight thereby intimidating people of every age
group and gender to learn more about it. Also, it helps to prevent this deadly
disease that is spreading its roots in human population, every passing year.

Shalby – Your cure to diabetes

Shalby is the best diabetes hospital in India with the team of highly-experienced
doctors specializing in various disciplines. Shalby, other than being recognized as
the pioneer in knee replacement surgeries, also has been ranked amongst the
topmost endocrinology hospitals in India for providing the best diabetes
treatment. If you want to avail treatment by the best endocrinologist in India, visit

For more information on our services, please visit…


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