Mr Jagdev Singh Brar – a 62 year old truck driver from Fresno California (originally from Moga), has been suffering from a swelling on his right hand for a long time and over the time it has started increasing in size . The swelling was painful. He was seen by doctors in USA and advised a surgery with no guarantee of saving the hand.
He then came to India and consulted Dr. Harinder Singh Bedi – Chief Consultant of Cardio Vascular & Endovascular Sciences at Shalby Hospitals in Mohali. On investigation it was found that he had a large Arterio Venous Malformation (AVM) on the right hand. It was continuing to grow and the skin over, was thinned out and red. Dr Bedi realized that if untreated the lesion would rupture with bleeding which could potentially be fatal.
A major procedure was planned under full general anesthesia. Dr Bedi explained that the lesion was in such a tricky place that the surgery could go wrong; in either not removing enough and causing a recurrence, or removing too much and sacrificing the hand artery leading to gangrene. Since Mr Brar was in an active profession it was imperative to safeguard the hand while treating the lesion.
So a combination of techniques – open and endovascular – were used. The major feeders of the AVM were ligated and the rest of the AVM treated with endovascular techniques. The lesion dramatically got reduced!
Mr Brar is now keeping well. He was happy that his hand is now functional and he can continue with his profession. Dr Bedi said that the new endovascular techniques are a boon for such cases, especially if combined with minimally invasive open methods. It is important for the doctor to be well versed in both methods so that the patient can be given the best possible treatment.
Dr Bedi is one of the senior most Cardio Vascular surgeons of India. He has earlier worked as a Cardio Vascular Surgeon in the St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney and the Escorts Heart Institute in New Delhi. He told that the Shalby Hospitals is fully geared to treat such cases with results matching International standards.
Mr Jagdev Singh Brar – a 62 year old truck driver from Fresno California (originally from Moga), has been suffering from a swelling on his right hand for a long time and over the time it has started increasing in size ....