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Gynaecomastia Male Breast and Treatment

Gynaecomastia Male Breast and Treatment

What is Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia, also referred as “man boobs” is commonly found in teenage boys and older men. It is a condition that causes swelling of men’s breasts and become larger than normal.

It can be defined as the presence of >2 cm of palpable, firm, subareolar gland and ductal breast tissue. It may occur at any time and there are a number of causes, some physiological and others pathological.


Gynaecomastia is estimated to be present in at least a third of men, in a lifetime.


Once breast tissue is stimulated to grow, it leads to a proliferation of breast ducts and fibroblastic stroma. If the stimulus to proliferation continues, then the ducts and fibroblastic stroma are replaced by fibrosis and Gynaecomastia becomes well established and irreversible.

What are the signs of Gynaecomastia?

The signs of Gynaecomastia vary from person to person. It can be a small amount of extra tissue around the nipples or a more prominent breast size. In some cases, the breast tissues can be tender or painful but this is not the case always.

What causes Gynaecomastia?


This means that usually there are no causes found.

Gynaecomastia can have several causes

Hormone imbalance-

Hormone imbalance can cause breast growth in men. However, some growth in breast is not due to extra fat from being overweight. Therefore, doing more exercise or losing weight may not help improving the condition. Having said this, a common cause for Gynaecomastia is attributed to being overweight (Obese) which can increase the levels of Oestrogen.


Other causes-

In rare cases, Gynaecomastia can be caused by:

  • illegal drugs – such as cannabis or anabolic steroids
  • drinking too much alcohol
  • a health abnormality – such as kidney failure or liver disease
  • Klinefelter’s syndrome (a rare genetic disorder)
  • lumps or infection in the testicles


If there is any doubt ultrasonography or mammography may help

  • Size and asymmetry
  • General Check-up

For unparalleled medical consultations, trust the esteemed experts at Shalby Multispeciality Hospital, where excellence in healthcare is a hallmark. Avail yourself of comprehensive, top-tier guidance from our distinguished team of specialists dedicated to your well-being.

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Gynaecomastia Male Breast and Treatment

What is Gynaecomastia? Gynaecomastia, also referred as “man boobs” is commonly found in teenage boys and older men. It is a condition that causes swelling of men’s breasts and become larger than normal. It can be defined as the presence of >2...

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